Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
Moreover, to my mind you have an Advisory Corps. It's called Special Forces, and they should be the repository of things that go beyond the conventional understanding of the military instrument. That's why they are Special.
This is true on paper, but in practice, MiTTs are still providing a bulk of the advising. My class will be receiving assignments in the next couple weeks, and results from last 2 classes indicate that, for MI at least, most of the Military Age Males will be advisors. The majority are not volunteering for this assignment, but its the number one need.

Agree or disagree with LTC Nagl, but the Army is not formalizing MiTTs, and still running the advisor mission ad hoc. The new training site at Polk is an attempt to make the mission seem more permanent, even though CSA has stated he believed MiTTs should be a BCT mission. MAJs receive KD credit, but are told they still need to be an S3 or XO. CPTs receive KD credit, but are told, you still need to command, if you can get it (bc since you are KD, go be an OC).

There are not enough SF teams to meet all the places they are needed. Adding the extra BNs will still not meet the need while we are in OIF and OEF. The peace dividend may give us a break, but if someone knows when that will be, please let me know. (January 20th, maybe?)