Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
The things one can google these days I ran across Implications of Space and Time (nice job BTW) and the US. Army's Professional Writing Collection.

You may have very well provided the first complete set of definitions for AO that, to this day, I never spent much time thinking about.
Hey Stan,

Thanks - I enjoyed writing it (if any masochists want to read it, it's here). I've got to admit that the assumptions they operate on are really bad blinders .

The education pipeline, however, is not overflowing with trained information experts and most brigades will likely never see a social scientist assigned to their staff.
You know, that might not be a bad thing . Seriously, though, I would rather see social scientists interacting with planners, trainers and simulators (oh yeah, and the policy folks too!), than foisting us off on an unsuspecting BCT. Okay, I'll admit, I'd love to do fieldwork with one, but that gets us back to the question about foisting social scientists off on military personnel in a war zone...