Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post

You're going to get the A/S crowd over at LF so mad at you...Let me know what reinforcing fires I could provide, as I love the idea!
Remember, jcustis, Sacred Cows make the Best Burgers. I just about got fed my own guts over comments regarding the Airborne merit badge mafia.

And, as you surmised, Lightfighter is the inspiration for this "possible paper."

The thing that blows my mind, is how many real SF guys will actually discard a bit of kit, because they have seen pictures of teenagers dressing up in it for fun.

Marc - The point about historic uniformity you brought up is one of the things that makes me less than comfortable. My academics are not as strong as I'd like just yet; my idea is to float just enough of a summary to get me accepted, and then dig like hell to back it up with actual "knowledge" and "analysis".

And I was focusing primarily on "combat fashion", so it is an excellent point you bring up about "dress" versus "combat". I mean, when did lapels quit being a way to regulate for temperature and start being a style?

The problem I'm having now, is deciding whether to write an omnibus paper very shallowly, or drilling deep on one aspect.