Quote Originally Posted by Spartan6 View Post
I've heard the Columbians have a very successful amnesty and reintegration program for former FARC members. Does anyone have any information on this program? Thanks.
Consolidating Disarmament: Lessons from Colombia’s Reintegration Program for Demobilized Paramilitaries

Individual demobilization and reintegration process in Colombia: implementation, challenges and former combatants’ perspectives

A new start, an open end. The reintegration of individual demobilized combatants in Colombia

Demobilisation of female ex-combatants in Colombia

Business and Reintegration: Cases, experiences and lessons

These last three are all by Kimberly Theidon, a Harvard anthropologist, who's churned out some on the topic in the past few years (although she does repeat herself a bit):

Transitional Subjects: The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Former Combatants in Colombia

Reconstructing Masculinities: The Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration of Former Combatants in Colombia

Transitional Justice in Times of Conflict: Colombia's Ley de Justica y Paz

There's also Demobilization of Paramilitaries in Colombia: Transformation or Transition? in the June 2008 issue of Studies in Conflict and Terrorism - but full text is not available for linkage online.

Finally, not specifically focused on FARC and Colombia, but if you haven't seen it before you may find it useful:

Disarmament Demobilisation and Reintegration: A Practical Field and Classroom Guide