Reps plus about 5 so-called non-voting delegates who vote on committees including the Committee of the Whole and 100 Senators and you want me to rate the whole darn institution with only those choices!!!!

Some get it, some don't. Most are well meaning, some are absoultely venal. Some are very bright, others dumber than whale s**t. None of these categories are mutually exclusive.

The institution was created the way it is to be inefficient. But it still has the power to change the players (and therefore the rules) in ways that neither the executive nor the judiciary can - that is if they can get their act together. Consider the impeachment process and Richard Nixon, his resignation forced, contrasted with the impeachment of Bill Clinton who was handily acquitted by the Senate. But, of course, you also have the impeachment and conviction of Judge Alcee Hastings and the current service in the House of Congressman Alcee Hastings - go figure.

