And this is why. I look at Congress the same way I do every other person in this country. They are what and who they are and act accordingly; for good or bad.

FWIW When it comes to governance I have never in my life put my trust in any given branch of government but rather that trust is in those who make up this country and the constitution it's based on.

When I see things happen which I disagree with or which concern me as to the continued welfare of the country any disappointment is with the people who make the choices to place those in the government and any hope for adjustment or correction is to be found in the same place.

I look at it kinda like ride share The group figures out where their going and then whoever gets chosen to drive drives. If I don't like their driving then I either change ride share groups, get my own car, or walk.

It's all about choices and so far as I can tell we all still have them so for now I can just keep going while maintaining hope that I'm not the only one who notices when one of the driver's is high as heck or drunk off their backside and try's to get them outta the car and into rehab