Quote Originally Posted by IntelTrooper View Post
And that's also not to say that there shouldn't be someone responsible at the company level for tracking intel activities and reports for their AO. But I don't think it should be the BN's already-limited intel assets.
Not sure if that is a response to anyone/thing in particular, so I'll just clarify my comments. I was not suggesting that the intel guy should be OPCON to the company and/or act as their intel cell. I think it makes sense for the S-2 to retain control of his guys, but to push his guys down to the company so that the shop can work more efficiently and so that it can obtain more valuable intel. While he and the S-2 NCOIC might prefer to have their guys within arms reach for various admin/control reasons, he loses a lot of valuable intel by not having them do the critical work of debriefing patrols.

If he keeps them within arms reach, then what he gains in analysis, he loses in collection... which begs the question: what is he analyzing? And what is he getting out of it? I would assert that the answers are: "very incomplete information" and "not as much as he would get out of it if he had more complete information."