Quote Originally Posted by Gareth Davies View Post
Yes, give and take is exactly what is needed. The Israelis should give the West Bank back to the Palestinians and take themselves back to the west of the 1967 border.

From where I sit- the history looks like this.

Israel is established, as promised by the west, belatedly, in response to the Holocaust.

The Arab states tell the Palestinians to leave (so they aren't in the way of the second Holocaust) and attack Israel. Despite their primary malefactors being thei Arab gov'ts, the Palestinians leave, hoping to take advantage of the development the Jews have accomplished once they are all dead.

Oops, the Arabs fail miserably and Israel survives.

The Arabs attack several (3, 4) more times, with generally the same results. Israel expands.

Israel gives back some land, in hope of peace- good luck with that. Arabs don't want peace, they want to kill Jews.

Look at all the conflicts in the world today- the vast majority are between Islam and someone else. It pains me to say it, but we are going to either:
1- wipe out Islam
2- force a drastic change in Islam (it may become a peaceful religion, but it is NOT a religion of peace at this time)
3- fight forever with half measures.
4- surrender and accept dhimmi-tude.

I'm not comfortable with any of these choices, but I don't see another one.