Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
The 'backward offensive' thing was actually proposed by Manstein as part of an accusation directed at WW1 generals in his memoirs.
The greatest problem with it was likely that even such an offensive would have bogged down eventually jsut as it happened in 1914 and 1918 when offensives came to a halt.
But I am comfortable with the company!

I was just always taught that the frontal assault was the least favored form of maneuver (though that also, for the lead sqaud, every form of maneuver is a frontal assault).

So if you can go around, over, or under; I guess that leaves the "rearward envelopment" prior to resorting to just putting your shoulder down and pushing.

You'd be absolutely crucified if you tried it and failed though; but if you try a frontal assault for the umpteenth time and fail you get a promotion. Same kind of reward system we use at our training centers. Follow doctrine to the letter, use the "two up, one back" and get thrashed by the OPFOR and you are a "go." Get creative and win, and you "got lucky." Get creative and lose, and you "get fired." Just one more way, along with the senior rater profile, to breed the creative genius out of the officer corps.