An unmistakable sign that I was maturing (or at least getting old):

Enthusiastic young warriors ask my opinion about what knife to invest in, and my recommendation has two central points;
-"Good enough to use, cheap enough to lose", that is to say, get a good tool that won't cause heartbreak if stolen or lost.
-"Can you make a sandwich with it?" 'Cause food prep is the most frequent use I have for a "field knife".

Randall is an absolute premium knife, but a little expensive for the first point. Ka-Bar fits the bill this way. Any opinions on the Cold Steel 'homage' to the Randall #1? Identical geometry, first rate materials, and a bit less expensive, but I haven't heard too much field testing.

For the second point, Victorinox Swiss Army, Buck, Opinel, and others do well. Opinel is outstanding for food prep, takes a good edge, and is very easy to sharpen.

The Swiss Army knife scissors or a Leatherman Micra is also a good idea as moleskin is much easier to trim with scissors.

But I ramble...