Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
Nor is there much of any way the US Congress would give its approval of such an action -- not to speak of the rest of the world. While you may have an argument with Mugabe, I suspect the majority of your fellow South Africans would go bonkers criticizing the US had we foolishly done what you suggest.
You took the bait there Ken.

I would have thought it would be easier (to get congressional and world support) to toss a few missiles into Zimbabwe than to invade Iraq? Maybe you missed it but most of the world went bonkers when the US went into Iraq? Did the US give damn? But now you are suggesting that the US should worry about what the people of the world would think about Zimbabwe's criminal leadership being taken out when they don't give daman about using drones to fire missiles into Pakistan (a supposed ally) against the wishes of the government and people of that country? Consistency, Ken, consistency.