John Q Public hasn't a clue regarding the complexity of modern military forces and with such a simplistic view, the connotations of service become simplified and even mythical, i.e. it's all about marching and shooting, which most anyone can do. Then again, as technology mutates (upgrades) at an accelerated pace and becomes central to the very fabric of our lives, and human evolution continues at its snail pace, additional unrealistic expectations and understanding of the military manifest -the 'shock and awe' mindset takes center stage and otherwise intelligent people think a war can be won in a matter of weeks and months. Add to the mix the usual Leftist/socialist/anti-American agendas and it seems for all practical purposes that military service is becoming almost at thing of the past. In time of real need, they will come, our young men and women will step up to the plate and make the sacrifices to insure some semblance of national integrity. We see this every day in small ways but to those 'in the mix', it is not so readily apparent.