Call me "futurist" but:

With the Electronic Herd, thousands investors use their savings (billions US$ every day), economies and countries have to compete each other to attract investments if they want to keep the pace of the economy or get left dead along the road economically (like North Korea, Iran,...).

These thousands and other hedge funds are attracted by high returns on investment and FAST. African countries whatever their political system will have to plug to Globalization if they want to survive. You can have the best gold mine in the world, if you are constantly in a state of civil war or corruption, investors won't come and your big mine won't produce a lot to feed your civil war or corruption. You are basically feeding on your own blood.

If you provide a safe, corrupt free environment, most African countries have untapped ressources that can attract these investors.

These thousand investors, much more than China or EU or US are for me, the biggest geoplotical game changers in Africa. Kabila, Kagame,...understand it.
These thousands investors require stability, transparency, good governance and if you don't provide, one click of the mouse on any trade website and their money is GONE. It's like an international/every minute referendum on how good/bad your country and its economy is.

The influence of China, US or EU over Africa looks pale in camparaison to the much defuse but HUGE influence of the electronic herd. 8 Billions US$ in 2008 came from the electronic herd as investment (not loans), while CHINA came with about 14 Billions in loans mostly.

As an African President, i would rather go to Wall Street and convince them to invest than beg Beijing for a loan i have to repay later even if it means cleaning corruption, improve education,...

