Quote Originally Posted by Surferbeetle View Post
We are collectively forgetting basics... then not bothering to supervise our representatives or their shadowy financial patrons (and when did that last bit become desirable or legal?)...
All sadly true.
Unfortunately i don't see the majority of those in charge - the elites, boomers (my bunch - i am on the tail end), or older folks (present company very much excluded, no disrespect intended) as really being engaged/committed to changing things...
I think perhaps a degree of tiredness enters into that. After beating one's head against the wall, stopping feels less bad...
Daily servings of ice cream, air conditioning, and big screen flat panels, in the field of all places...
Superb succinct summary. .
...the only thing i could possibly add is to echo your observation that we are out of balance...
Unbalanced is good. Well, it isn't good but that's an accurate call...
It feels like a storm is about to break...and while it is my sense that we will successfully get through it... it is also my hope that some of the nastiness and stupidity prominently on display throughout the world of late will not...

So as usual i guess, we are on our own and we will have to continue to make positive things happen within our small spheres of influence.

My grandparents on both sides of the family made it through the depression and the war...good people, good memories...my take away is that hard times don't last and friends and family make the tough times bearable and the fun times, of course, even better...
Yes. Yes...