The website mentioned in post #65, perhaps - MSP C3 Policing, with its most pertinent points defining itself being:

Mission Statement (emphasis added):

The MSP Special Projects Team facilitates unity of effort and criminal intelligence gathering by, with, and through interagency, community, and private enterprise cooperation in order to detect, disrupt, degrade and dismantle criminal activity in North End of Springfield, Massachusetts.
The Origins of C3 Policing

The Avghani Model, Stanley T. Grip, Jr. (Army, May 2008) (ODA 944, 19th SFG) (pdf)
Using the Bob Jones "Flag Test", Avhgani was FID; this C3 Policing (presumably - since it's INCONUS) might be regarded as some form of "COIN" .

Principles of C3 Policing Model

C3 vs Community Policing

My take: LEOs <-> Community (interactive support via the "from the people; back to the people" loop - true rule of law).

