Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
In the intel world one constantly looks for indicators..in the case of eastern Ukraine the question has always been what is Putin's intent?....to pressure the Ukraine over the EU and on and on...THERE has never been a full discussion on whether he really wants to annex eastern Ukraine or not.

With this Bild analysis the answer is very clear...he is after a full annexation regardless of what he is saying publicly which we all know he always lies.....

THIS is extremely interesting as the town Debaltseve was during the Minsk 2 talks where Putin was present...at the heart of the agreement...Putin constantly demanded that Debaltseve was to be under Russian occupation and even Merkel was dismayed by his demands---at the same time extremely heavy fighting broke out with actual Russian troop units attacking repeatedly Debaltseve until it was captured.

BTW--the actual town of Debaltseve as actually in Minsk 2 fully in UAF territory--while the heavy fighting was ongoing the US, France and Germany said very very little.

During a press conference Putin "crowed" about the UAF being totally surrounded and that they must surrender...BUT surprisingly the UAF was able to withdraw all 3K troops and their heavy weapons much to the surprise of the Russian Army.

NOW with this article we fully see that Putin and his military where working towards a full capture of the eastern Ukraine ie a military annexation BUT due to the heavy UAF pushback which surprised even the Russian military that annexation and total takeover did not occur.

REMEMBER during the Debaltseve fighting the Russians held a massive one sided tank count of over 500 AD Obama was refusing ship TOWs as he did not want to "escalate" the fighting OR as was reported he was afraid the Russians would escalate even higher....WHICH they did anyway multiple times since then even when the US did not send the TOWs.

Russia must’ve anticipated this prop-up of separatists when insisted on railroad city Debaltseve @ Minsk.
Strelkov: "we had to take Debaltseve with Artemivsk in 3 days, but it lasted 1,5 months"