Quote Originally Posted by max161 View Post
However, it is our Jominian quest to find the perfect checklist to solve every problem that causes us to misread, misquote (or quote out of context) and misunderstand Clausewitz and the importance of his work that remains of value today and as long as there is the human element in war (passion, hate, greed; rational control; and chance - which I suggest transcends whatever label of war we want to put on it - Major Combat Operations or Maneuver Warfare, Hybrid Warfare, or Irregular Warfare).
Excellent observation. Never really read Jomini in any detail, and never felt I had to, for just the reason you outline.

However, I am currently reading Vauban's treatise on Siegecraft, which is really good example of solid tactical writing, in a "here's how you do it," way that makes very good sense, because with a specific context you can give specific advice, complete with "common errors made when conducting a siege" - Gold dust.