Posted by Ken

People want to jail Bankers, no one wants to convict the slimy political types -- why, I cannot fathom...
I'm not sure "most" people want to jail bankers for making bad business decisions, but I suspect that if most people thought about it they wouldn't want those bankers (and others) rewarded with our tax dollares for their mistakes. A middle class family fails to pay for the medical insurance loses coverage, they fail to pay their mortgage they lose their house, etc., and that is appropriate. Yet when a fat cat drives his company bankrupt by making foolish decisions (in some cases) his company not only gets a bail out with tax dollars (our money), the CEO and others who drove the train off the track get fact bonus checks from the tax payers. We're either capitalists in the land of the free responsible for our decisions or we're not. If a company's leaders drive it off a cliff let it fail and don't reward those who make bad decisions. It isn't that hard, or rather it shouldn't be. You're right we have long history of doing this, so perhaps we're simply resigned to a crappy reality.

I think most people would to convict the slimy political types, but apparently they're a protected species, so we hunt what we can They also have to break a law to be convicted, and I don't think is against the law to develop stupid laws, so they have considerable maneuver room unless the American public gets more involved. The promise of the information age making the process more transparent and more democratic hasn't happened yet, but we may be moving in that direction.