Most in their shoes would do the same. The real culprits are in Government. They are the folks who have skewed the rules to allow such unfettered greed and who allow and even encourage the 'too big to fail' mantra. They are too big to fail only because their failure will mean the loss of campaign contributions -- and jobs. The voters do not like that ergo it is to be avoided...
There's a lot wrong with this statement, but the biggest has to be that TBTF institutions do not exist.

If you think that if Citigroup, AIG, and BofA had been allowed to go bust in 2008 and the economy would not have imploded, then you really need to share what you are smoking with the rest of us. I'm not talking about a few million people out of work. I'm talking about people not being able to cash paychecks.

This problem is, of course, even worse now.